Illuminati symbols appear in thousands of places on this planet: on currency, architecture, artwork, and in media of all kinds. Since our inception, many Illuminati symbols have been shrouded in mystery, leading to confusion about their meaning and purpose. In this section of our public website, our organization will clarify our symbols and offer information about their true interpretations. To learn more, visit The Power and Purpose of Illuminati Symbols.
Over the coming months, this section will continue to be updated with more of our symbology, including symbols that have not yet entered the mainstream lexicon.

The Pyramid.

Wealth, success, power

According to the tenets of the Illuminati, wealth is not simply a means of personal enrichment. Instead, money is a tool that can be used to fulfill each person’s duty toward the advancement of the human species.
Wealth and success are like streams of water running down a pyramid. The highest receive the most because there are fewer, while the lowest receive the least because there are many. Before the water can reach the bottom, it must first run through all the others above it. Though they support the weight of all who are above them, they are numerous and easily replaced—uunique individually but common together. A person climbs higher by becoming less like those below them.
The more money a person owns, the more ability they have to positively change the lives of those who are in need. If you are poor and of good heart and your friend’s house is burned in a fire, you will remain a good person but have no ability to help them with what they need the most. If the same house burns but you are rich, you can give your friend a place to stay and a new home because you have more than enough for yourself and anyone around you who needs it.
The greater a person’s fortune, the greater their responsibility to their fellow humans. Like the pyramid, those with the greatest power can do the greatest good for the largest number of those below them.

The Light

Guidance, direction, higher purpose
Every human is guided by an inner compass that points toward the Light, revealing truth and direction when facing decisions.
Given many names by spiritual leaders and unexplainable by science, the Light is an invisible guide that many believe has led them to joy, success, and lives of Abundance. It communicates directly to every human, urging them to strive for goodness and forgo their natural selfishness.
All human religions and spiritual beliefs ultimately seek the Light in ways differing only in form and function. Some religions refer to the Light with a name, such as God or Elohim. The core of every religion is founded on the human species’ innate desire to understand this invisible force. Even without a formal religious affiliation, every human is naturally drawn to the Light.
Individual members of the Illuminati adhere to every variety of personal spiritual beliefs –– but by recognizing that all of our paths lead to the same destination, we find that the Light brings all people into an ultimate unity.
There is no proof that a God exists but there is also no proof that a God does not. The Illuminati’s spiritual foundation is based upon this universal conundrum of faith and doubt. Our organization does not question whether a god does or does not exist but instead focuses on the betterment of the humans living on this planet.
Though the human mind in its physical form is not capable of fully understanding the Light, conscious thought and intention reveal many of its inner workings and effects. By studying the wisdom of this planet’s greatest minds, humans can discover ways to increase the Light’s powerful influence in their lives.
A representation of the Light can be seen in an illuminated circle of the Illuminati’s Eternal Oath, surrounding the Pyramid and the All Seeing Eye.

The All Seeing Eye

Wisdom, the inner voice, human progress
Humans stand apart from all other creatures on this planet due to their ability to absorb wisdom, delay gratification, and create change through the invisible power inside their minds. Animals and computers can be trained for tasks but cannot invent new thoughts or ideas. However, simply through practice, humans can grow and learn: even the poorest child has the ability to become a doctor through education and determination, but even the smartest animal cannot learn how to read a textbook. Humans are born with the mental power to free themselves from the chains of their natural selfish instincts and embrace millennia of wisdom that leads to wealth, power, and success.
As a human absorbs knowledge and wisdom, some will experience their Awakening: a pivotal moment when their minds evolve to a level of understanding that is higher than the majority. They begin to see themselves as strings in a universal tapestry with a duty to uplift their fellow humans, and quickly understand the inner workings of wealth, power, and authority. Those who have experienced their Awakening often describe it as the moment their Eye was opened.
Unfortunately, many humans are only concerned with their own wellbeing and thus cannot understand the positive intentions of a higher authority. Many would rather this planet remain in turmoil instead of following the directions that will lead them to happiness. Historically, the greatest enemies of human progression have been humans themselves. For this reason, those who have experienced their Awakening understand the need for it to remain secret – for their own safety and the ultimate good of a humanity that often does not know what is best for it.

The Eternal Circle

Purpose, Meaning, Humanity’s Eternity
Every human is one part of a larger, eternal design – individual gears in a clock that has no end.
Though you may not fully understand your purpose, your part is just as important as the greatest kings and queens of this planet. Some feel as though their temporary lack of wealth or influence makes them powerless to create change. But does a clockmaker favor the larger gears over the smaller? Does the hour hand become jealous of the minutes because it turns slower? Every part has a role in the functioning of a timepiece. Every part supports those around it in ways it may never see. Your absence would undo the Order of our universe, even if you do not realize your importance.
The world began before you and will continue after you, but it will be different because of the decisions you made.
Every generation inherits the world left by the one before it, just as a king inherits the crown of his father. Your pursuit of wisdom and goodness could lay the foundation for your great-great-grandchild’s rise into power – the same descendant who might steer a country from war and save lives by the millions. Did the ancestors of Aristotle or Alexander The Great know who their actions would create?
Though you will never understand the full influence of your actions, the results of your dedication to humanity are still yours to claim.

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